We are called to come into a holy fellowship, cleansed by His redeeming grace, set apart for His glory, His great plan of redemption, told before time began: a beloved Son sent to bear the weight of man’s trespasses in order that God’s justice could be known and those who receive by faith justified, clothed in righteousness not their own, but His. A royal priesthood, Oh what great status we have been called to! |
We are called to go
into all the world to proclaim this new covenant of grace; we are set apart to tell of His great glory, to proclaim His royal decree: sin was judged upon the cross, and God’s own Son was bruised for our iniquity, crushed by God to bring us peace. He who knew no sin became sin for us, that by faith we could be made right. Christ’s ambassadors Oh what great mission we have been called to! |
If the Gospel contains the words of life–
God’s great power of salvation to all
who believe– how then can we stay silent,
if we love both God and our fellow man?
We are called to love
our neighbor as we love ourselves, and our enemies also; to pick up our cross, to deny ourselves and follow our Lord stepped down from heav’n taking on the form of a servant, clothed in the flesh of man. He emptied Himself to take on human form, laying aside all the benefits of Godhood in love, so He could purchase His bride from death’s grasp Oh great salvation we have been called to! |
We are called to turn from our sin-filled ways to the loving God who has redeemed us with His blood and brought us into new life eternal with Him, our Blessed Savior, Kinsman Redeemer, the Chosen Servant of the Lord who through His death brought us peace; His resurrection now justifies us; All worship, honor and praise are due Him, chosen lamb of God. Fellowship restored, Oh great communion We have been called to! |